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[[strikethrough]] intimation [[/strikethrough]] intention to slide over the cases by such an understanding.  Now however, from the publicity of the whole matter, perhaps from my own conversation, with several of the officers of law, they may be shamed into some pretence of Justice.  It is possible that the Commonwealth's attorney will prepare and the grand Jury will find bills of indictment corresponding with the crime, and that the parties who have been caught by the soldiers and forced into the hands of the Magistrates will actually be tried by a Jury. [[strikethrough]] There however the force will come to an end, [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]]

I do not suppose however that a Jury of Accomac County confederated in feeling, if not co-conspirators in crime with the Prisoners, will give a verdict allowing their punishment. [[strikethrough]] in Accomac County. [[/strikethrough]]  In this connection Mr Lilliston, the President Justice before alluded to, stated in the presence of three witnesses, that he did not think any Jury would convict a white man on 'negro testimony.'  I must add however that the defence in these cases, [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] is to be well organised.

The commonwealth's Attorney suggested in Court at the time when the two men above alluded to were heard by the Justice, that if the Negroes chose they might get money compensation and let the case drop.  This looks like an attempt to compromise the felony.  Also a freedman named Peter White, one of those who applied for the warrant was afterwards, according to his own statement, shot at and wounded by several white men lying in ambush for him 

This was on the 4th inst. and if the man is to be believed, was  

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-15 12:04:51