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(Exhibit 'A')
Exhibit A.

Accomack County to wit: 
To Samuel C. Taylor. Constable of the said County. or any other Constable, 
Whereas. Peter White, Harry Mason, Sheperd Downing, Geo. Phillips, Perry Strand, and Jesse Strand, Col'd, of the Said County, has this day made complaint and information on oath before me Wm. H. Dix, a Justice of the said County that Reuben Hickman, Jas Shreavis, Columbus Johnson Alfred Taylor, J. Barnes, Geo Lewis, Levin Barnes. Jno Hinman Jr. Samuel Lewis, Isaiah Justice and Capt James Lewis, of the Said County on or about 28th day of June 1866 in said County did unlawfully enter the houses and Search and take the property and carry away from the above named persons to wit.  Peter White Harry Mason Shephard Downing Geo. Phillips, Perry Strand and Jesse Strand (col'd), They are therefore in the name of the Commonwealth to Command you forthwith to apprehend and bring before one of the Commonweath Justice of this County the bodies of the said Reuben Hickman, James Sheavis, Columbus Johnson, Alfred Taylor, Jno Lewis, Geo Lewis, Capt Levin Barnes, Jno Hinman Jr, Samuel Lewis, Isaiah Justice, and Capt James Lewis, to answer the Said Complaint and to be further dealt with according to law Given under my hand and Seal this the 11th day of July 1866
(Sgd) Wm H Dix J.P.
(see endorsement - over)

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-12-15 16:46:26