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"Exhibit B"
Exhibit B
Accomac Co to wit
To all or anyone of the Constables of said Co.
Whereas George Phillips of said Co. has this day made complaint and information on oath before me Thomas Lilliston a Justice of the said Co. that George Lewis Columbus Justice, Columbus Johnson, Isaish Justice, James Shreaves of war, William Barnes and Samuel Lewis on the 4th day of July 1866 in the said Co did [[strikethrough]] did [[/strikethrough]] unlawfully but not feloniously break and enter the dwelling house of the said George Phillips, and take and carry away one pistol of the value of nine dollars and fifty cents and one sabre of the value of four dollars, both the property of the said George Phillips, Those are therefore [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] in the name of the Commonwealth of Va. to command you fortwith to apprehend and bring before me or some other Justice of said Co. the bodies of the said George Lewis Columbus Justice, Columbus Johnson Isaiah Justice James Shreaves of war William Barnes and Samuel Lewis to answer the said complaint and be further dealt with according to law.  given under my hand and seal this 3rd day of August A.D. 1866
(Sgd) Thomas Lilliston J.P.