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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Assistant Superintendent Elizabeth City County, Va.

Fort Monroe, Va., 18th Sept 1866

Brevet Brig Gen'l O. Brown
A. A. A. G.
Richmond Va:


I have the honor to request transportation for the following named Freedpeople to their former homes in order to relieve the Government of their support and to prevent destitution- viz:

Hannah Marrou - age 50
Eliza Marrou - age 17
Mary Marrou - age 13

} Wilsons Wharf - Chas City Co Va: (order 885) Returning home

Margaret Douglas age 18 } City Points Va: (order 886) Returning home  

Henry Jones age 48 } Wilsons Wharf Chas City Co Va (order 887) Returning home - Order for Branch separate from above.

Very respectfully
Your obt Servant
Mont S Reed
1" [[?]] V. R. C. Asst Supt

Ford through Offc Supt 5th Dist Va

Transcription Notes:
Part of superintendent's title (bottom of page) difficult to read