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[[6 columned table]]
| Number | Names | When Arrested | On complaint of who | On what Charge | Remarks | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 

| 1 | Sam Allen (Colored) | About the 5th of Oct 66 | Dr. O F Baxter | Aleged [[alleged]] Theft of Corn | Nov 5th, 1866, Court Day Both Plaintiff and witnesses failed to appear, and the prisoner was discharged | 

| 2 3 | Boston and Charles Reid (Colored)} | As Above | - Garrison | aleged [[alleged]] Theft of a portion of Sein | Nov 5th Court Day Prisoners admitted to bail in $300.00 each to answer this charge at January term of Court | 

| 4 5 | Solomon and Jesse Vaughn (colored) | Sept 27th 66 | Pompey Goodman | aleged [[alleged] Theft of a Hog | Sentence of Court, to remain in Co Jail until Feb 27th, 1867, and to receive 20 lashes each | 

| 6 | Burrill Aspell (colored) | July 2nd, 1866, | Geo Whitehouse | aleged [[alleged]] Theft of 12 Sticks of Wood | Sentence of Court, to remain in Jail until June 1867, and to receive 30 lashes | 

| 7 | Wilson Hutchins (Colored) | Aug 1st, 1866, | Davis Gregory | aleged [[alleged]] Threat to take life. | To await trial at March Term |
| 8 | Robert Van (Colored) Sept 1st, 1866, |   | aleged [[alleged]] Theft of Hog | To await trial at May Term | 

|   | Margaret Mason (Colored) | June 1st, 1866, | F Phillips | aleged [[alleged]] Theft of Pigs | Sentence of Court to be confined in Jail until July 1867 and to received 10 lashes | 

The above is a correct list of Colored persons confined in the Co Jail on the 31st day of October 1866. In the case of "Sam Allen" the theft, if committed, did not consist of a dozen ears of Corn. In case of "Boston and Charles Reid" I am certain that if they had been white persons, one of them at least, 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-19 11:23:31