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Department of the Potomac
H.q. Bureau R.F and A L
Richmond Va Dec 27th,1866

Bvt Brig Genl O Brown


I have investigated the reports of Lieut. Morton Havens, Asst. Supt. in Princess Anne County relative to the administration of justice by the civil authorities in his Sub-district.  In doing this I visited the locality, called upon several magistrates, and examined residents. I am of the opinion that the statements in the Reports Referred to me are well founded.  The Justices are in the habit of shuffling off complaints made by freedmen from one to the other, until the complainant is tired out.  They do not, in terms, deny the Right of a colored person to make complaint against one of their white citizens, but exercise so wide a latitude of discretion in receiving, and acting on such complaints, as practically to deny justice.

The case of Dozier, which is the subject of one of Lieut. Haven's reports, presents this state of things clearly.  The evidence shows that the man Willoughby Dozier, committed a wanton and unprovoked outrage upon a freedwoman Lizzie Brinkley. A magistrate refused to interfere, and advised the freedwoman, to appear before the Grand Jury at the next session of the court, which she did in the proper manner, but the Grand Jury in a summary style, accompanied with a contemptuous expression from one of the Grand Jurors, refused to entertain her complaint.  From my whole examination

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-18 09:15:48 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-18 09:48:51 This writer uses dashes for periods. Assuming that is because of the pen nub they used at the time.