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of the condition of Princess Anne County with reference to the administration of Justice where freedmen are concerned in a position antagonistic to white citizens, I am of the opinion that the former have but a small chance for substantial justice.  While there is not so defiant a spirit as prevails in some counties of Virginia, or an open denial of justice, it is at least evaded.  I regard it as one of the counties where the restoration of Bureau courts would be advantageous, though not so imperatively necessary as in some other localities.  The freedmen are in far less numbers compared with the whites, than they are in, for instance.  Elizabeth City, and York counties, and their labor is wanted, so that there is no actual reason to fear Riots, in their attempts at self protection or such general abuses as would create extensive suffering.  They are patient, and will suffer peaceably such amount of injustice as they will probably receive at the hands of the whites.  But I consider that justice to them Requires the resumption of some authority on the part of the Bureau.  

Garrick Mallery
Capt 45th U S Inf