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Abstract of Proceedings of Freedmens Court for the County of Elizabeth City Va. for the month of October 1866.

October 1st 1866

C. Richardson J.P.  For Whites
R. Wood  For Freedmen
M.S. Reed  1st Lieut Asst Supt.

S. Cummings White Vs. W. Francis Col'd.
Store Acct:
Plntff. allowed Thirty four 90/100 dolls.

Jno: Berry Cold Vs. Peter Randall Cold 
Promissory Note
Plntff allowed Ten dollars

James Williams Cold Vs. Jos: Hope Cold
Judgment rendered against Defdt for Twenty dollars

Wm. Outten White Vs. Albert Tyler Col'd.
Dfdt found guilty, sentenced to confinement for twenty (20) days.