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Office Asst Supt Freedmen 
Princess Anne
Norfolk Jany 13th 1866. 

Respectfully returned to Capt. A. S. Flagg AQM, Supt &c. The complaints of Dr Baxter are groundless. No locks have been removed from premises restored to Dr Baxter save one in the house occupied by Henry Ballentine - which had been placed there by Dr Kimberly U.S.A. Surgeon in Charge of Gov't Farms, to protect his medical stores. Dr Baxter has been repeatedly informed that any chattel property which he regularly identifies as his will be turned over to him. No household effects claimed by him were removed from his house, when turned over to him. Of parlor furniture I know nothing - As to rent corn and fodder no exception has been made in Dr Baxter's case, and all orders from Supt Offc 1st Dist in relation thereto have been obeyed in every particular. 

Your Ob'dt Serv't 
Thos P Jackson
Asst Supt

EB BF. 35. 

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