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Whereas William Roberts has this day borrowed of Henry B. Styron as guardian of John F. Whitehurst the sum of One Thousand dollars and has also borrowed of Moses Cason the further sum of Five hundred dollars, which sums of money are evidenced by the writing obligatory of the said William Roberts to the said Styron and Cason separately payable on demand; and the said William Roberts prefering to give a deed [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] in trust on the lands hereinafter mentioned and described to personal security:  Now this Deed made and executed this 3rd day of October A.D. 1859 - Between the said William Roberts of the one part, and John J. Burroughs (mutually chosen trustee) of the other part, Witnesseth that the said William Roberts in consideration of the debts due as aforesaid Doth grant unto the said John J. Burroughs as trustee, the following property to Wit," All that "certain tract of land, situated in the county of Princess "Anne aforesaid and containing about one hundred and eighty acres - and bounded as follows, viz. "Beginning on the south side of the main road leading from the City of Norfolk to Kempsville, at "its intersection with the road dividing the lands of said Wm. Roberts and of Thomas Old, and "runing thence along the western side of said last mentioned road, southwardly to Elizabeth River, "thence westwardly along said E. River to the creek commonly called Hoskins creek, thence along "said creek northwestwardly according to its windings to the main road aforesaid (leading to "Kempsville,) thence along said main road Eastwardly to the begining including all the lands "embraced within said limits, except about one half acre near the mouth of said Hoskins Creek, on "which stands the mill belonging to John S. Wise, also, a certain other tract of Woodland, "containing Sixty four

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-21 14:59:42 ---------- Quotation marks do not correspond with original text, otherwise perfectly transcribed