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re SR
B29 R. F. & A. L. Vol E/1866
S.B. 3. "V. No" 259

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, & Abandoned Lands, 
Head Quarters Assistant Commissioner, State of Virginia

Richmond, Va Feby 10th 1866

Respec'fully returned to Maj Genl O.O. Howard, Commissioner Bureau R F and A. L, with further evidence in the cases of Bowman vs Simpson and Simpson vs Bowman.

In the opinion of the Asst comr, Lt Chase did not exceed his powers as President of the Freedmen's Court in granting the injunction against which Mrs Bowman protests.

In accordance with this decision Lt Chase, Asst Supt, has been directed to inform Mrs Bowman that it will be necessary for her to appear before the Freedmen's Court

and show cause why the injunction should be dissolved. Meanwhile he has been directed t try the issue on the Bill of Complaint while the property is held subject to the decision of the Court.

O Brown
Col and Asst [[Comr?]]

War Department
Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Washington 13" February 1866
Respectfully Returned to
Col. O Brown Asst Com
His ruling is sustained.

By order of
Maj Gen'l OO Howard
Max Woodhull
Assistant Adjutant General
