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Danville Va Feby. 22d. 1866

Capt R.S. Lacy
A.Q.M. & Supt.

As Capt Wilcox informs me he has sent over to you statement of claims to two certain buildings in this place as the property of the so called Confed: Gov. it is my duty to lay before you certain facts additional.

W.T. Sutherlin Esq of this place owned several vacant lots.  On one of these an Officer in charge of Ordnance dept. by special contract with Sutherlin erected a house and used it for an office, by the terms of the contract I understand that building became the property of Sutherlin before the surrender of Gen. Lee.  

That is matter to be proved by us.  The United States can only claim the rights held by the Con: Gov't and if they had no property in the building the U. States can have none.  If in fact it turns out on examination that the Confederate Govt. had possession, instead of Sutherlin at the time of surrender & conquest, then the U. States acquires all the right the former possessed and no more.

Then would come a question as to compensation to Sutherlin for damage &c.  I expect the shortest & most satisfactory way to get the evidence before you would be for me to go to Lynchburg & then we could examine the evidence fully.  This property 

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