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P. 175  1866

Asst Supt Office
Powhatan Co Apl 5/66

B. 300. R.F.. & A.L. Va. 2d. Vol. 1866.


Page F. A.
Lt and Ass Supt.


Encl. judgment and reports case of Aaron Smith (Cold) tried for felony before Civil Court and found guilty and sentenced to 2 months imprisonment, without, in his opinion the evidence sustaining the charges. Does not think the same jury would have convicted a white man on same evidence

(1 Encl)

[[stamp]] Received Office Supt. 2 Dist. Apr 9 1866 [[/stamp]]

Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Hd. Qrs. Supt 2d Dist
Petersburg Apl. 10/66

Resp'ty forwarded to Ass't. Com'r. for instructions
Stuart Barnes
Capt and A.Q.M.
Supt. 2d Dist

E.B. 463

Filed & return

[[stamp]] Bureau of R.F. & A.L. State of Virginia. Recd. Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner. Apr 12 1866 [[/stamp]]

Bureau RF & AL.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Comr Va.
Richmond Va. April 12, 1866.

Respectfully returned to Capt Stuart Barnes, A.Q.M. & Supt. to know if there is any evidence in this case in his possession. If so it will be submitted in order to enable the Asst Comr. to decide in the case.
By order of Col. O. Brown
Asst. Comr.
James A Bates
Capt & A.A.A.G.

E & M 2. V. 16 }

[[stamp]] Received Office Supt. 2 Dist. Apr 17 1866 [[/stamp]]