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[[stamp]] RECEIVED
APRIL 9 1866 [[stamp]]

This deed made this 28th day of October 1863 between F.E. Buford and Pattie his wife, and Joseph C. Addington and Virginia A his wife of the one part, and William J Branch of the other part. Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the sum of two thousand dollars to them in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, they, the parties of the first part, have sold unto the party of the second part the property situated in Lawrenceville known as the "Centre Hotel" with the garden and lot attached thereto; and the said parties of the first part covenant to warrant generally the property hereby conveyed.
Witness to the following signatures & Seals
F.E. Buford (Seal)
Pattie Buford (Seal)
Joseph C. Addington (Seal)
V.A. Addington (Seal)

State of Virginia
County of Brunswick Sct
I George Claiborne, a notary public, for the County of Brunswick, in the State of Virginia, do hereby certify, that Pattie, the wife of F E Buford, and Virginia A the wife of Joseph C Addington whose names are signed to the above deed bearing date on the 28th day of October 1863, personally appeared before me, in my county aforesaid, and being examined by me privily and apart from their husbands, and having the writing aforesaid fully explained to them, they, the said Pattie Buford & Virginia A. Addington acknowledged that they had willingly executed the same,and did not wish to retract it. Given under my hand this 28th day of October 1863. Geo. Claiborne Notary Public
Clerk's Office Brunswick County Court Oct 28 1863
This deed from F E Buford +c to William J Branch was acknowledged by F E Buford & J. C. Addington, and, together with the certificate thereon, admitted to record
Teste E R Turnbull Clerk
A copy E R Turnbull Clerk
Sept 27th 1865

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-25 11:26:45