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Y.32 - 1866
B.310. R.F.&A.L. Va. 2d Vol. 1866.

Asst Supts Office
Lunenberg Co Apl 6/66


Yeckley J. Arnold
Lt & A. Supt.

Encloses Statement (sworn) and reports in case of Chester Stokes (cold) vs Syl. Stokes (white) charged with shooting at the aforesaid Chester Stokes with intent to kill.  Upon the case being brought before a Civil Magistrate, he did not receive a fair hearing, plaintiff, owing to threat of violence and misrepresentations, not daring to appear
[[note]] extract copied [[/note]]

[[stamp]] RECEIVED OFFICE SUPT. DIST. APR 16 1866 [[/stamp]]

Bureau R. F & A L
Hd. Qrs. Supt 2d dist
Petersburg Apl 17/66

Resp'ty referred to Ass't. Com'r. for instructions
Stuart Barnes
Capt & A.Q.M
Supt 2d Dist

Col Malloys examination

Official copy sent to War Dept Bureau &c April 19th/66. for its information
(sgd) by GM

[[stamp]] STATE OF VIRGINIA BUREAU OF R. F. AND A. L. RECD [[?]] 1866 [[/stamp]]

Transcription Notes:
The stamp on the right-hand panel is mostly illegible but I filled in what I could based on what similar stamps say. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-26 08:32:35