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County of James City  To Wit.
I William H. Yearby Clerk of the County Court of James City County in the State of Virginia aforesaid  Do hereby certify that it appears from the records in the office of the aforesaid County Court. That George Blow Sr. is the owner in fee, of a tract of land in the County of James City, Virginia. lying on "Skiff's Creek." Called "Wheatland". containing as appears from the Commissioner's Books of Eighteen hundred and sixty. One thousand Two hundred and forty three & a half acres. Also the owner in fee, of another tract of land in the said County called The "Mill Tract" containing Seventy acres. And also the owner, for life, of another tract of land in the said County, adjoining the tract called "Wheatland" containing One hundred and Sixty One & three fourth acres. 

In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and attached the Seal of the Said County Court this 13th day of April One thousand and eight hundred and sixty six.
William H Yearby Clk