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the Circumstance of his ownership of the Horse, and had so far in his description as to say the horse was branded U.S.  He was here stopped by Col Powell. with the remark "that that was sufficient_ he took the horse for the Govt"  He did take the Horse and gave Barnes a receipt for him herewith Enclosed.

Barnes most distinctly and positively alleges that he had only partially told his narrative_ and not one of his witnesses had been called. He avers that he had numerous witnesses to prove his ownership. and he herewith forwards the statements of some of them.

Barnes then sent his agent Allcott to Richmond. for the purpose of obtaining redress. Allcott was furnished with an order from Quartermaster Genl. dated 15th Feby 1866, revoking Genl Order 77 under which Powell had taken this horse, and directed to tell Barnes to make demand for the horse again

Barnes did make the demand, and the reply of Col Powell. dated 22nd March 66, & herewith forwarded is his answer Barnes distinctly avers that, of this new trial. alleged by Col Powell. he nor his witnesses had any notice nor even a conjecture. He feels that his rights have been trampled on,- that his horse, still in the daily use and possession of Col Powell, has been unjustly taken and withheld from him - and that the whole proceeding is a mockery of justice

He asks that his horse be restored to him at least until a fair Trial can be had. He will give any security that may be demanded to attend Col Powells Court on any day, with sufficient notice and any decision of a Trial in which his witnesses are heard.

J J Barnes 

[[right margin]] B. 353. R.F.&A.L. Va. 2d Vol. 1866 [[/right margin]]

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-27 13:35:47