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Henry Co House Va
July 2nd 1866

Maj. Gen A.H. Terry
Comdg Department Va &c.

I have the honor to inform you that a detail of U.S. soldiers under command of Lieut Wm Tuggle U.S.A. were in this County during the month of July 1865 searching for Government Horses - Stores - Arms &c. and by request and command I accompanied them as a guide - being a native of the county and familiar with the roads & acquainted with the citizens of the same: Various horses and mules were found and taken in charge by said detail and among the number was a mule marked Cf taken from one Henry Hobson a rebel soldier & afterwards left in my care by said Lieut Tugglle with written instructions to retain the same until called for by proper authority. 

The mule remained some months in my possession & Hobson knowing I had kept it by permission of U.S. authorities, came to my pasture & reclaimed the same in my absence and carried off the same & still refuses to give it up and as I think such are the sentiments of the people in regard to