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State of Virginia 
County of Fluvanna

I A W Stuart a justice of the  
 in & for said county to certify that A.G. Grinnan personally appeared before me in my county aforesaid & made oath, [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] to the best of his knowledge & belief, as follows. That one undivided half of the property known as Howards Grove Hospital near the city of Richmond belongs to the children of John R Bryan. That these children are seven in number viz (1.) John R. Bryan Jr. who was Capt in the Confederate Army, was regularly paroled, has taken the oath prescribed by the proclamation of the President of May 29, 1865, and whose taxible property does not exceed $20,000 (2) Lt George T. Bryan (3) Joseph Bryan. These were privates in the Confederate Army, have taken the oath aforesaid & neither has property to the value of $20,000. (4) C. Braxton Bryan is within the age of 14 years (5.) Delia, wife of JR Page (6) Fanny T. wife of S.W. Carmichael. The husbands of these daughters were surgeons in the Confederate Army, have taken the oath aforesaid and their property does not exceed $20000 in value. (7) Georgia S. wife of A.G. Grinnan who held no office civil or military under the Confed: States and has taken the amnesty oath prescribed by Presd Lincoln and was not included in any of its excpetions-

Said affiant further made oath that said property was taken into possession by the so called Confederate States without notice to any of the owners and that no rent has been received for its use & occupation. He further made oath that the said John R Bryan is the agent of all the owners of said property for its exclusive controll & management 

Given under my hand this 28 day of Sept 1865

AW Stuart J.P [[strikethrough]] AG Grinnan [[/strikethrough]]

[[stamp]] 5 U.S. INTER. REVENUE 5 FIVE 5 CENTS 5 CERTIFICATE Septr [[image]] [[/stamp]]

Transcription Notes:
[[image: George Washington]]