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Corporation of Richmond set

I Francis V. Sutton Sr. a Notary a notary public in & for the corporation aforesaid do certify that John R. Bryan personally appeared before me in my corporation aforesaid and made oath as follows.

That the property known as Howards Grove Hospital near the city of Richmond Va including the small pox Hospital, & containing twenty acres, is owned by the children of Mr George Coalter decd, who own one undivided half, and by the children of the said John R Bryan who own the remaining half. That for many years said affiant has been the agent of said owners for the exclusive management & control of said property, that he is still such agent, & has the full assent & desire of all the owners for the continuance of his agency. That the so called government of the confederate states took possession of said property without notice to himself or any of the owners, [[strikethrough]] that [[illegible]] was [[/strikethrough]] and that neither he nor the owners ever received rent, or compensation of any kind, for its use & occupation by said govt. - Given under my hand this 25th day of Sept. 1865 -

Francis V. Sutton Sr. N.P.