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Corporation of Richmond
I Chas W Williams [[ink stain obliterates text here]]
public in and for the Corporation [[ink stain]]
said do certify that John Coalter Henry L. Coalter and St. George L. Coalter appeared before me in my corporation aforesaid, and each for himself made oath that he has taken the amnesty oath inscribed in the Proclamation of President Johnson, dated May 29th 1865, and that he does not come within any one of the exceptions named in said Proclamation, and further that the only other children of St. George L Coalter, deceased are Mrs. Virginia Braxton and Mrs. Janny B. Brown, and that their husbands took no part in the late war, and the said affiants further made oath that they are part owners of the property known as Howard's  Grove hospital and that John R. Bryan has been and now is fully empowered to act as the Agent of said property for its exclusive control and management and that said property was taken into possession by the so called