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[[left margin]] Woodhull to Brown 10/25/65 [[/left margin]]

lease, to hamper the design of the pardon, viz that of restoring the owner to the possession of his property as soon as it can be legally done.

This appears to be the case in reference to Judge Baker's property, and is assuredly so in that of a house owned by Mr Taylor, papers refered to you this day

Please let me know whether you have issued any instructions with reference to limiting the lease of property to one month, or requiring the stipulation that the "lease shall terminate one month from date thereof", "at option of either party."

It is further claimed that Capt. Johnson rents property for from 1/4 to 1/8 of the real rental value of the property, and one would judge this charge to be true from the statements and shewings of these gentlemen.

Please consider this note as a confidential inquiry touching the official conduct of Capt Johnson.

An early reply is requested in order to decide certain cases refered by you to the Bureau for instructions.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obedient Sert
(Signed) Max Woodhull
Col & Asst Adjt General

A true copy
O Brown
Col Asst Com

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-28 12:19:31