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Report of cases tried by the Freedman's Court in the following Counties.

Charlottesville, Albemarle Co., Va.

{ Capt. John M. Collins, Asst. Supt
{ Drury Woods
{ Wm H. Crank

Geo. Weekerson, Colrd. }
vs. } Action for Debt
Jno. P. Mayo - Citizen }

From the testimony heard the Court decides that the Defendant is due Plaintiff $7.50, and pay costs $2.=

Patsey Coleman }
vs. } Actions for possession of children - two orphans.
Henry Magruder }

The Court decides from the evidence heard and remands the said children to the Defendant to be held in custody by him as his apprentices under the Indentures of Apprenticeship entered into on the 6th September, 1865, by order of the County Court of Albermarle.

The Commonwealth }
vs. } Destruction of Property
Henry - Colrd. }
From the evidence heard in this case the Court finds the accused guilty of having on the 24th November unlawfully and maliciously set fire to the fence of N. J. Payne of Albermarle County,

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-29 19:49:17