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Wm Shepperd, Col, has clothes and three bbls of corn Alfred, Col, is to have one suit of clothes and three bbls of corn Samuel, Col, is to have one suit of clothes and four bbls of corn. Angel and family is to have clothes and six bbls of corn 
John, Col, clothes and five bbls of corn
Johnson, Col, has his clothes and four bbls of corn and 100 lbs of Pork
Joseph, Col, has his clothes, three bbls of corn and 100 lbs  of Pork
Robert, Col, has his clothes, four bbls of corn and 50 lbs of Pork
Spencer, Col, has one suit of clothes and three bbls of corn
Delpha, Col, has one suit of clothes, two bbls of corn and 95 lbs of Pork
Mary, Col, has one suit of clothes two bbls of corn and 25  lbs of Pork
Marial has one suit of clothes and three bbls of corn
Julia has her clothes and three bbls of corn
Fanny has her clothes and three bbls of corn
L, J L, atnis, Whitey has his Servants
Pelson Roone, Col, clothes five bbls of corn and 30 lbs of Pork
Glouster, Col, clothes and five bbls of corn
Harry, Col, clothes and five bbls of corn
Suekey and family have clothes and seven bbls of corn
Ann, Col, has clothes and two and one half bbls of corn
Luez, Col, has clothes and two and one half bbls of corn
More, Col, has clothes and two bushels of corn