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Bureau of Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Wytheville, Va., Jany 8th 1866

Col O Brown
Asst Comm'nr }

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Communication dated Jany 8th. I forwarded to you Jany 3rd an estimate for clothing necessary for the ensuing six months. Do you require a separate estimate for this Q.M. clothing? I should be glad to get for issue to destitute Freedmen the following articles, viz

(30) Thirty Pr Drawers.
(12) Twelve Overcoats
(12) Twelve Dress Coats or blouses
(30) Thirty Trousers
(30) Thirty Flannel Shirts
(50) Fifty prs Stockings
(25) Twenty five prs Shoes or boots

Very respy Your Obt Servt
Buel C. Carter,
Bvt Maj AQM Supt &c

Transcription Notes:
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