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To Colonel Brown Bureau Freedmen, Refugees &c
Richmond, Virginia

I have the honor respectfully to ask to be restored the possession of a lot of land in the Town of Hampton in the County of Elizabeth City and State of Virginia lying on what is known as "Back Street."  Bounded North by the land of Jefferson B. Sinclair, East by the lot of Mrs. Green, South by the said Street & West by the lot belonging to the heir of William Dyer dec'd. I have the honor further to state that in the Spring of 1861 having a large family, several of whom are ladies, & being in the immediate vicinity of the two contending armies, I deemed it prudent to remove my family to a place of greater security than my home then afforded. I carried them to the City of Richmond where they have since remained. Although in the lines of the so-called Confederate Government I was never to the Army but was employed in a purely civil capacity which was absolutely necessary for the support of my family On the 8th day of April 1865 I took and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance to the United States Government and at once received employment from the U.S. Government where I have been ever since. I make this application for the purpose of getting possession of my said lot of land as a means of aiding to the support of my family.

Very Respectfully
Thomas Cunningham Sr 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-31 12:02:55