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Office of Asst Supt
Culpeper C.H.
February 2d 1866

Capt. T. Frank P. Crandon
A.Q.M. & Supt 4th Dist Va
I have the honor to report a case of shooting which occured about 8 miles north of this place on Saturday the 27th inst. A Dr Perry shot a freedwoman named Jane Twyman The circumstances are these  The girl it seems slandered the family and the Doctor a very passionate character having heard of it went out and called her and she not stoping he fired 2 shots as he says to scare her the last one taking effect in her left hip, I saw the wound probed and found it to reach 3 1/2 inches. the ball has not been extracted 

The surgeons statements accompany these papers. The Doctor is confined to the house with an affection of the Kidneys. The Sons conduct was very reprehensible as you will see by the  accompanying affidavits. I have put the Doctor under bonds for $2000 and the son $1000 to  appear before any court that the Military Athorities may see fit to try them before and at such time and place as they may direct