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United States of America
State of Virginia
Culpeper County

Be it remembered that on this the 1st day of February 1866 George P. Perry, John H. Eggborn and Perry J. Eggborn of said County personally came before me, W. S. Chase Lt 18th VRC and Asst Supt of Freedmen of said County and severally and respectively acknowledged themselves to be indebted to the United States in the manner and form following, that is to say The said parties in the sum of one thousand ($1000) to be respectively made and levied upon their several respective goods & chattels, land & tenements, to the use of the United States if the said George P Perry shall make default in the performance of the underwritten condition. 

The condition of the above is such that if the above bound George P. Perry do and shall personally appear before such Court as may be hereafter ordered by proper authority at such place as may be selected and then and there answer to the charge of assualting with a pistol (by striking her on the head with the butt or end of the same) and by jumping on and stamping her with his feet, the freedwoman Jane Twyman at the house of his father Dr Isaiah Perry, on Saturday the 27th day of January  1866 and not leave until proper authority is given him by the said Court so to do, then the above recognizance shall be void and of no effect, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.

Witness the following signatures and seals
G P Perry {seal}
Perry J Eggborn {seal}
John H. Eggborn {seal}

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-07-31 17:15:23