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Bureau R F & A Lands
Sub Dist of Fluvanna
Palmyra Va May 1st 1866

Bvt. Major T Frank P Crandon
AQM and Supt. 4th Dist. 
Gordonsville Va.

I have the honor respectfully to acknowledge the receipt of your communication in reference to the demand for labor in this Sub Dist. Owing to the commencement of crops. The farmers have laid out their work for the number of hands they could make sure of, and consequently there is not much demand for extra labor at present. I have also taken pains as far as possible to let the people know, that more labor could be supplied them on proper application, and have had only the following viz

3 field hands (good) and 2 girls aged 15 for nurses.

I am, Maj. 
Very Respectfully
Your obt Svt
E.G. Burd
Lt VRC and Asst Supt.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-01 14:30:32