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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands.
Head Quarters Asst. Commissioner, State of Virginia
RICHMOND, VA., December 5th 1865

Capt. C.B. Wilder
A.Q.M. & Supt &c
Harry Davis (Col'd) complains that his former master, Dr. Sutton of King William Co. with whom he was living, drove him away, & took from him a hog which he desires to get, he has also a great many other things at the house of Dr. Sutton, which he wanted to get away from there - but is afraid to go after them.

This statement is forwarded to you for your investigation & report.

I am Captain,
Very Respectfully
(Signed) James A. Bates,
Capt. & A.A.A.G

Official Copy
James A Bates
Capt & A.A.A.G

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-01 11:15:23 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-01 11:22:26 to correct some punctuation