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Bureau R F & A Lands 
Mecklenburg County Va
Clarksville August 23d 1866

Bvt Maj T. Frank P. Crandon
Supt Bureau RF&AL 2d Dist Va

I have the honor to make the following report. On last Sunday (the 19th "Inst") near Buffalo Springs in this County, a Freedman named Stephen Jones. was shot and killed by a White Man. named William D Shelton (who is a Policeman) under the following Circumstances,

The said Stephen Jones "Col" had been Confined in the Jail of this County for horse stealing (and was awaiting his trial before the Circuit Court)  About Three (3) weeks ago said Jones escaped from Jail. (in Company with two (2) other prisoners) and has been running at large in this County.

On last Sunday (the 19th "Inst") they police of this 

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