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so clear and so well connected that I think any body of men who were not predjudied in favour of the prisoner would at least have sent him on for trial before a Jury -

I am satisfied in my own mind from conversations held with many of the citizens of the town that nine tenths of them believe Johnson to be the man who shot Thompson - 

Yet such is the predjudice existing against freedmen and loyal men that it would be indeed difficult to convein a court in this county who would give to either the rights gaurenteed to them by law -

I trust the Govmt will take some action in the matter, as it is quite evident from the conduct of Johnson since his release that he with others considers the shooting of a colored man a matter of no material consequence -

I am General
With much respect
Your obedient Servant
GB Carse 
Bt Colonel V.R.C.
and asst Supt Bureau of
R. F and A.L

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-02 12:18:37