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C. 542. R.F. & A.L. Va. 4. V. 1866

Bureau R. F. and AL. 
Office Asst Supt &c 
Richmond Va. Nov. 8th 66

L.R. page 202. Office Supt 3d District 
Rec'd Nov 30 1866

Cook. B.C. 
Bvt Capt & Asst. S. 

States that he has succeeded in getting judgement in favr. of the Colored woman whom Sawyer Gugion [[Guigon]] attempted to swindle &c

Bureau R.F. and AL. 
H. Q. Asst Comr. Dept. Potomac
Richmond Va. Nov. 9th 66

Respectfully returned, Bvt Capt. Cook will ascertain whether this judgement can be collected by a civil process 
By order of 
Bvt Maj Genl Schofield
Asst Supt
O Brown 


Bureau RF and A Lands
Office of Asst 3 Dist Supt

Richmond Va 30th Nov/66
Respectfully returned to the Asst Comr through office of Supt 3d Dist. with the information, that repeated enquiries have been made at the office of the High Constable, to know what action has been taken upon the judgement given against Mr Guigon in favor Willem Lyons Cold. Nothing satisfactory can be obtained, an evident reluctance is evinced in the execution of this judgement, and from what I can learn, it is his intention to appeal against the decision of the court, which will prevent her obtaining the Money for 60 days from the date of his appeal 

Benj C Cook 
Bvt Capt and Asst Supt 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-02 12:19:05 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-03 04:31:47 "Guigon" from actual document referred to (page 225)