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At a Freedmen's Court for the County of Albemarle held on 5th day of April 1866. at Charlottesville Va

Dana [[strikethrough]] E [[/strikethrough]] M Digges }
vs } 
Jane Starke. freedwoman }

On the trial of this cause. the following facts were proven._

That the defendant was formerly a slave of the mother of the plaintiff and was sold by him as Exor of her Estate. some time in the year 1864 and purchased by a certain Jno K Long. of the county of Greene. where she remained until some time in the month of November 1865- at which time she came to The house of the plaintiff who lives in Greene County within 1/2 mile of the Court House, and expressed a desire to live with him saying she could not live at Mr Long's. because she was lonesome. and wanted to live with her people- to whom she formerly belonged. The girl was proven to be between 21 and twenty four years of age. Mrs [[Mr]] Diggs consented for her to remain. telling her that he had servants enough then. but would be willing to hire her for the next year, and on 12th Nov. he entered into a contract with her for the period of one year, a copy of which is filed herewith, which was produced in evidence at the trial, but was rejected on the ground that it had not been stamped at the time of its execution, but was stamped some time afterwards and the stamp cancelled by Lt. Sweeny. the Superintendent of R.F.&AL. for Greene County_  On this point. it was proven that no contracts. for hire &c were stamped in the county of Greene at the time they were made, prior to 1st Jany 1866. because the Superintendent of that county had [[strikethrough]] given information that no stamps were needed on them [[/strikethrough]] never required them to be stamped; but afterwards discovering his mistake he ordered the contracts to be brought in and stamped  when this contract was carried in and stamped and the stamp cancelled by [[strikethrough]] him [[/strikethrough]] the Superintendent in February 1866_

It was further proven that the woman Jane Starke remained at Mr Digges. until about 12 Dec, when her father came for her. and attempted to take her away, and carry her to Charlottesville_ That Mr Digges. being

Transcription Notes:
Exor: Executor (of the estate) ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-04 11:56:59 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-04 16:23:01 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-05 09:39:24