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It will be seen by reference to the letter of Lieut Sweeneys filed here, with that he himself was satisfied that the woman was regularly hired by me and that she ought to be returned to me and by reference to the statement of facts proven, it will be seen that Major Curtis another Superentendent of Greene Co. had also investigated the case and ordered the woman to remain in my employment--with all these facts before it, does it not seem hard to imagine on what ground the court could refuse to return the woman to my custody.

The position assumed by the court that the contract could not be received in evidence because not stamped at that time of its execution is not tenable. First because it was through the [[?]] of the Superentendent for the County and secondly because by a late circular of the Comr of the Internal revenue, all instruments inadvertently omitted to be stamped prior to 28th March 1866 may yet be stamped, provided there was no intention originally to defraud the government by failure to stamp at the time of Execution. The other ground for refusing to receive the contract in evidence, because it is for a longer period than a year and being rejected as an unstamped instrument, it could not be executed as a verbal agreement is also untenable. See code of qr 1860. Pa: 627. Sec: 1 para 7
This contract was entered into on 12th Nov 1865 and upon its face was to take effect immediately, but it was held by the court upon some evidence introduced that it was not to commence operation until 1st January 1866 and expire 1st Jany 1867. Such however was not the intention of the contract. It was to take effect from its date and expire one year thereafter and if the Court would not permit me to introduce the written instrument, it would certainly have been but Just to permit me to introduce [[?]] evidence to set up a verbal contract.

I desire to call your attention to the whole of the facts, which are substantially stated, as far as they can be recollected as proven and if there has been any [[?]]pion, it has proceeded from inadvertence and from no desire to conceal. I was desirous of stating the matter fully and have made an effort to perceive the cooperation of the