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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Aban'd Lands.
Norfolk, Va January 11, 1866

I have the honor to acknowledge the recpt of a comm. from your office bearing date Jan 13th, containing an enclosure to which my attention is called, said enclosure being an extract from the columns of the "True Southerner"

In reply I have to say, that I receive the "True Southerner" regularly on the day of its issue, and that I saw some days since, the article referred to, and that I immediately ordered my Asst. Supt, in that Co., to investigate in person, as to the truth of the statement and to report immediately to me. 

He, in obedience to my order, made a tour of Nansemond and Isle of Wight Counties and reported in person to me last night.  He denies that any evils of the kind have been committed since the [[strikethrough]]operation[//strikethrough]] Bureau has been in operation there, [[strikethrough]] at any [?], not since his assig[[/strikethrough]].

I requested him to deny in the column of of the "True Southerner" over his official signature

Transcription Notes:
** The [?]s are in struck through text, making it hard to see, but they are not what the writer wanted written. Last word is SIGNATURE, even though it's spread to next page. Per SI, full work to be on both pages Nansemond is an extinct jurisdiction that was located south of the James River in Virginia Colony and in the Commonwealth of Virginia (after statehood) in the United States, from 1646 until 1974. It was known as Nansemond County until 1972. From 1972 to 1974, a period of eighteen months, it was the independent city of Nansemond. It is now part of the independent city of Suffolk.