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Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
SUpt Office Leesburg Va Jany 16th 1866
Supt Freedman 
Winchester Va
   This will be  handed you by Henry Lee a freedman and a resident of this place, who has a claim against Mrs Arabita Luckett of Winchester, who kept him hired out and collected his hire until last harvest.
   Henrys truthfulness is vouched for by a respectable citizen of this place, who has known Henry all his life.
   I have uniformly exacted payment from the 1st of July 1863 being sustain by the Judge of the U S Dist Court of Eastern Va., who says the Proclamation is regarded as law from the date of its issue.  
   You will please give Henry such aid as he may need in securing his claim and oblige.
Yours Respectfully
James J Terrel
Supt Freedmen 
Loudon Co. Va