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the said Scott issued an order requiring the surrender and delivery of the said boy, that a few days thereafter he employed Mr Diggs the son of Rev. Isaac Diggs to take the said order and go to Mr. Goalder and get the boy. Mr. Diggs returned without the boy and informed the undersigned that Mr. Goalder was from home but left the order, that in consequence of his failing to get his son he again on the 13th day of January applied to the said Scott while holding another term of his court at Stevensville to have the boy delivered to him. He told the undersigned that he must go up to Tappahannock on the next regular time of holding his court there and that he would give him a peremtory order for the delivery of the boy which he did; and on the 18th day of January the said Scott gave him an order and duplicate requiring the said Goalder to surrender the said boy, at the same time giving him a letter directed to his former owned the Rev. Isaac Diggs stating that he expected to leave Tappahannock and in case the boy was not delivered that application must be made to Col. Brown in Richmond; that on the first day of the present month, February, he delivered the duplicate to the said Goalder at Stevensville and retained the original and letter. That notwithstanding all that circumstances the said Goalder by [[strikeout]] his attorney [[/strikeout]] E. B. Montague his attorney in fact, made application to the said Lieut. Scott to have the said boy bound to him as an apprentice and the said Scott by indentures made and entered into on the 3rd day of February 1866 did so bind the said boy to the said Goalder, stating in the indentures that it was done with the consent of the said boy which was not the fact of the case; the last named action was done without the knowledge of the undersigned until he made further application to the said Scott (having learned that he was still in Tappahannock) to have the boy

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