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Applications for retained bounty from Capt A.S. Flagg, Norfolk, Va. March 29, '66.

[[5 columned table]]
| Name | Reg't | Copy of discharge. | Amount | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Ephraim Crocker. | Priv't Co. B. 1st C.C. | Enlist'd Aug. '64, Discharged at Brazos, Ts. Feb. 4. '66. | $100.- | Has lost discharge. I enclose his certificate of retained bounty, and affidavit of his friend. |

| John Spira. | Priv't Co. B. 1st C.C. | Enlisted Dec. 7. '64. Dis. as above. | $100.- | I copy his discharge and inclose his certificate. |

| George Lambkins. | Priv't Co. C. 1st C.C. | Enlisted Aug. 20. '64. Dis. as above. | [[strikethrough]] $100.- [[/strikethrough]] 66.66 | I copy his discharge and inclose his certificate. |

| Isaac Gordon. | Priv't Co. H. 1st C.C. | Enlisted Aug. 22. '64. Dis. as above. | $100.- | This man appointed J. Paul Jones his attorney, which Power of Atty I inclose.  J.P. Jones called on the way home to get it, couldn't wait, and H.R. Percy [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] cashed the certificate discounting $5.- for his [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough]] trouble. Witness the order for this payment to be made by H.C. Percy, across face of Jones' Power of atty. H.C. Percy makes application for $100. |