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Norfolk Va
Feb 18th /66

Col O Brown Asst Comm

I enclose herewith a letter of introduction to you from my friend Mr Johnston, which I should have had the pleasure of handing you in person but was prevented by sickness in my family.

I am desirous of obtaining a position of some sort in the Bureau I have just been honorably mustered out of the Navy, and wish to obtain a situation on shore, in order that I may be with my family. Should you have any place vacant where the emoluments would be sufficient to maintain a family, you would confer a lasting favor by giving the preference to-

Your humble servant to
G W Graves

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-10 12:19:00 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-11 10:45:49