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Petersburg. Va. Dec. 31st 1865

Capt Stuart Barnes
Asst Quarter Master
and Supt 2nd Dist. 


I have the honor to report. That within the last week. nothing of importance has occured among the freedman, except their Nightly Meetings held betwene New Years and Christmass. for the purpos of making arrangements for cellebrating their freedom aniversary Which they think highly important. to their dignity and to show due respect to the late President Lincoln. and Union Officers. 

I feel confident that they have no intension of organizeing for an incerection in this City. at presant. 

I am Captain 
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
T.O. Hollis 
Detective Destrict Nottawy 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-07 13:48:22