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of Virginia, we refer to the report of Maj. Gen. Carl Shurz to President Johnson, as being a correct and truthful description of it in every particular. Nor has the Government of the United States been an idle spectator of all these things, since the surrender of the military forces of the rebellion. A part of its Army, which, for five years past, has been employed in subduing rebellion in the field, is now employed in subduing rebellion in the so called "Legislature of Virginia," and its presence among us is called for only by the notorious disloyalty of these people, who are so anxious to be admitted to the rights and privileges of State Government.

The moment the military power is withdrawn from among us, and the loyal men of Virginia are left to the protection of the so-called "State Government," their only safety will be in immediate flight.

Such being the facts, we respectfully represent, that the experiment of State Government in Virginia has proven an utter failure, and our only hope lies in a TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT, under the immediate control of the National Administration.

We therefore pray your honorable bodies to set aside the Government of which Francis H. Peirpoint is the head, and to establish in its place a TERRITORIAL ORGANIZATION.

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