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Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A Lands
Office of Asst Supt Sub Dist "D"
Winchester Va

Capt W Storer How A.Q.M
Supt 6th District Va

The affairs of the Freedmen in my Sub Dist have not been materially changed since my last Monthly Report as the Military that have been stationed at this place have been relieved twice during the month thereby causing great difficulty in carrying on the business of this office outside of the immediate vicinity of Head Quarters.
I have had to suspend all efforts to obtain the Census Returns of a portion of Clarke County and the whole of Warren County (that were left by my Predecessor) untouched as there have been no men that could be detailed to complete the work in those Counties.
The Three Companies that are are stationed at this place number less than Seventy men and those are employed in doing guard Duty not one of them being detailed for this office and I would ask in connection with this