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Freedman is a fixed Fact against which they will not Rebel.
It is also desirable that such representation should be made to the State Commissioner as to convince him of the necessity of increasing the Military in this Sub Dist in order to increase the number of Freedmens Schools as there are several Localities in this Sub Dist where the Freedmen will support their own Schools as soon as the proper Military protection can be afforded them.
The Freedmen of this whole Sub Dist deserve much credit for their acquiescence in the requirements of all Laws for their government, the few Cases that come before the Board of Agents is sufficient evidence of the truth of the assertion.
There has been much suffering among them for the want of Fuel that I have been obliged to witness without the means of alleviating, with the exception of a few cases of complete destitution that I have been enabled to relieve with the assistance of the few Loyal Men of this place who have invariably responded to all appears made for the