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Head Quarters B.R.F. & A.L.
Office of Asst Supt Sub dist. Woodstock Va April 6th 1866

Brevt Maj W.S. How
AQM & Supt Sixth Dist

I have the honor respectfully to ask that a small force of U.S. troops, (three (3) men would be sufficient) be stationed here, as there seems to be a determination on the part of the inhabitants of this villiage to resist and insult the officers of the Government.

Last night for instance some six (6) or eight (8) young men of this place gathered on the steps of a house opposite, and sang among others, a song called "Farewell to the Star Spangled Banner." I walked over to fully satisfy myself that they were realy Rebel words, and then informed the party that they could not sing that song with my permission as there were plenty of Patriotic songs without resorting to Rebel airs — they replied by asking "What do you call Patriotic airs" — "You don't command this Town" — " Peace is declared and we can do as we have a mind to"

I informed them I should deeply regret a necessity for troops but such occurances must stop, — upon which some one cried "Three cheers for

Transcription Notes:
[[?]] Not sure about the abbreviations before the [[?]] mark [[?]] Not sure about the word "Maj" [[?]] Not sure about the word "frail" [[?]] Not sure about the word "from"