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Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A.L.,
Office of Asst. Supt. Sub Dist. D
Winchester Va. April 16th 1866.

Brev't. Maj. W.S. How
A.Q.M. & Supt. Sixth Dist. Va.

Major, -

I have respectfully to report to you in explanation of the case of the negro being released on Bail by his paying costs.  That the Freedman Richard Comfort was arrested on the complaint of Mr Geo. Taylor for an assault.  the warrant was issued by Jos. S. Denny, a Magistrate of this County who notified me "of the time when, and place where" the trial was to take place.

I attended and found a number of witnesses in attendance that had been summoned by the Sheriff of the County.  Upon the examination of the witnesses no direct assault was foresaw, but it was proven that the Freedman made use of threatening language and made such violent demonstrations with a stick that he had in his hand that Mr Taylor was afraid he might be seriously injured and at once caused his arrest.  The Magistrate after having heard all the evidence in the