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Office of the Asst Supt Sub Dist "A",
Bureau of R.F and A.L, Sixth Dist,
Lexington Va April 23d 1866.

Bt Major W. Storer How


I have the honor to inform you that there is at this place several old buildings (frame) that were formerly the property of the so called C.S.A.  These buildings were erected on the ground owned by the Rockbridge Agricultural Society and they now desire their removal

The lumber in the buildings above mentioned would sell for a very small sum indeed, and I therefore request that since steps be taken to enable the Freed people in this section of county to purchase it.  This they could now do if the buildings were put up at public sale.  There is now no suitable building in this place that these people could obtain the use of for a school house, or place of worship.

I respectfully request that I may be instructed what course to pursue, to bring about a speedy sale of the buildings above mentioned

Very Resepctfully Your obdt Servant
G B Carse
Bt Major V.R.C. & Asst Supt -