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3rd  The arrest and bringing to punishment of all persons engaged in stealing, plundering or in any way disturbing the quiet and order of the neighborhood. 

To promote the efficiency of the club there shall be elected a chief, whose duty it will be to call out the members for duty, or as many thereof as he may deem necessary, wherever in his opinion occasion may require it, or at the request of three members, to designate the time and place of meeting and to take the control of all its operations whilst on duty. There shall be selected also a 1st and 2nd Asst. chief to assist the chief and in his absence to perform his duties. 

There shall be also selected of the members of the club five persons to be called a "committee of safety", three to compose a quorum who shall convene from time to time at the call of their chairman, before whom any party or parties who may be arrested may be brought, and this committee shall determine as to the manner in which said

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-08 10:28:08