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The 4 paragraphs of Circular No 11. are being carried out. 
4th The authorities intend to provide for the indigent freedmen, but their means are at present very inadequate. The poor house buildings were burned during the war, and have not yet been rebuilt. 
5th The supply of labor is equal to the demand, and the able bodied freedmen are generally at work. 
6th There is one School in the sub district at Massanutten which is thriving - There is a demand for schools at Woodstock, New Market, Mount Jackson and other points in the sub. district - 
Lieut Hall considering the many annoyances to which he is subjected arising from the strong feeeling of hostility to the Bureau in this sub. district has conducted affairs with a good degree of energy and success, and seems to show a determination to do for the benefit of the freedmen whatever is in his power. 
Sub-District D. comprises the counties of Frederick and Clarke, Capt Gilbert R. Chandler V.R.C. Asst Supt. with office at Winchester Frederick Co. This is an important sub. district and contains quite a large colored population. The only records kept this far, are the