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Head Quarters Bureau Refugees Freedmen and A. Lands.
Office Acting Inspector General.
Richmond, Va. March 26th. 1867.

Bvt. Brig: Genl. O. Brown
Asst. Comr.


I have the honor to submit the following report of Inspection of the City Jail of Richmond, which I have made in obedience to order of 15th inst. -

A part of that order specified that the investigation should be made "in connection with the proper authorities".  My visit was in company with Messrs J.D. Harvey, C.C. Tinsley and William Taylor, the Jail Committee of the City Councils, also Mr. Thomas U. Dudley, the City Sergeant and Dr. John Dove, the visiting physician.

I read the papers referred to me, to the above named officers and subsequently in company with the same, visited all parts of the jail and saw, and conversed with every prisoner.

My attention and that of the authorities was directed both to the truth of the accusations made in the papers above referred to, and to the present condition of the jail and its inmates. -

The building is an exceedingly bad one for

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